booking system

Schedule your holidays easy.
Get the most out of your second home.

April · 2 weeks

December · 2 weeks

August · 1 weeks

How much time will I enjoy in my property each year?

Each fraction grants you 6 weeks -42 days- of enjoyment per year. Whether it's high season, shoulder season, or off-peak, your holiday is secured.
All holidays are easily booked through our app, where booked stays can be easily modified if your plans change.

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All seasons guaranteed. 
How do reservations work?

Our booking system operates on a fair and equitable rotation basis! In the first year, allocation is determined upon home purchase. From the second year onwards, our carefully designed system ensures fairness for all. 
Reservations open in June of the preceding year, allowing ample time for advanced planning.

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Exchange your house for any other!

It works in a very simple way, if you want to exchange one of your stays in another home, you simply have to switch it. you will get a week in any other vivla home in the same season. This allows you to fully enjoy and experience other destinations.

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Rent the weeks you will not use

Can't spend as much time in your VIVLA home as you'd like? No worries! You will help you rent it to minimize mantainance fees. We'll handle maximizing occupancy and profitability offering your rent stays to other owners, our VIVLA network, and various platforms.

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Get the owner's experience. Download the VIVLA App

You will be able to book stays, add extra services, see monthly expenses and the revaluation of your home. In addition, you can exchange and rent other houses in the VIVLA network at a special price.